
7 Amazing Things Dogs Teach Us About Life

10 Greatest Dog Quotes That Prove A Dog Is The Best Gift

Dogs are great teachers.

I got my first puppy, Jackson, in 2008. I had never had a dog growing up, and so I had no idea what a profound impact a dog would have on my life. Over the years, Jackson, and his two brothers Kobi and Hendricks, have taught me SO much about life and love.

I have found that the biggest life lessons, can be taught in the simplest way, by the most unlikely of teachers; my dog!

Here are my top 7 “Doggi” lessons:

1. Love Unconditionally

The greatest gift dogs give us is unconditional love. They give their love without expecting anything in return, and with no restrictions or limitations. Regardless of what happens, they are faithfully there to love and accept you


2. Be Persistent

When I watch my pups try to get their ball out from under the sofa, I’m amazed at their persistence. They don’t give up just because they can’t get it on their first try; instead they try a different angle, try fishing it out with their paw, or stick their head under the couch. Either way, they will keep trying until they get their ball back.

As adults we so easily give up after the first try. Kids and dogs are persistent, but somehow it gets lost as we grow up.

3. Live In The Moment

Dogs aren’t interested in going to the park tomorrow. They want to go to the park today! They’re not worried about what happened yesterday, or what will happen in the future. They are just interested in today.

They live in the moment, and enjoy every minute of it.

4. Play Everyday

Life is too short to not play every day. You don’t need anything fancy, just a ball, a stick or even just a big open piece of grass.

It’s the simple things that make dog’s happy; a lesson that we all could learn.

5. Get Enough Sleep

Dogs are great at self-care. They rest when they need to, drink lots of water and love to walk and run. They always get a good nights sleep and are excited about getting up to a new day.

 6. Always Show Your Loved Ones How Much You Care

Life is short, and you never know what’s going to happen. When your pup greets you at the door with a wagging tail, cuddles with you on the couch, or licks your tears away; those moments are precious.

Dogs remind us each day to always show your loved ones how much you care.

7. Things Don’t Matter

Dogs don’t care how big your house is, or what car you drive. They are happy with a worn tennis ball, or a stick they find in the woods.

It’s the people in their lives, and love, that matters to them.

Our pups are our constant companions on our journey through life. They are our loyal friend, faithful family member, loving partner and amazing teacher. They need us, and we need them!
What lessons has your pup taught you? Share below; we’d love to hear your story.


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